3 Ways to boost your confidence when dating

3 Ways to boost your dating confidence

3 Ways to boost your confidence when dating
In-person dating events can feel scary if you lack a little confidence, so here are three ways to boost your dating confidence at our events.

Our lives are busy, there’s less opportunity to meet someone in person so we think the only opportunity to find our person is to date online.

Well, I’m calling BS on that because Single & Mingle is revolutionising the singles community and making in person singles events the place to be!

But that comes with challenges. Because online dating can feel a lot easier if you’re lacking a little confidence – It’s easier to hide behind a screen. 

When you’re at a face-to-face event, you’re completely exposed, or at least, that’s how you feel but you know what? If you really want to meet someone, at some point in the not so distant future, that face-to-face meeting will come around anyway so why not just get it out of the way at the beginning?

I do get it. There’s a lot of anxiety around attending an in-person singles event, but I’m here to tell you that if you just take a breath and embrace the idea, life is about to get great!

3 Ways boost your in-person dating confidence

The irony here is that confidence is one of the most attractive traits, so if you’re feeling a little shy, I am on a mission to bring you out of that cocoon and turn you into a beautiful confident butterfly.

Dress to impress

If there’s one big tip I could give you it is to do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good inside and out, and one of the easiest ways to do it is to dress to impress… you! Dress to impress you!

It’s not about anyone else, it’s about you feeling good so find the outfit that makes you feel a million dollars and work that bad boy in every way!

Get the accessories out, if make up is your thing then contour away and when you’re ready, take a long hard look in the mirror and repeat after me, ‘I am freaking awesome’!

Be prepared

This one is a little trickier, especially if you’re new to this and don’t know what to expect but prepare for the event as best you can.

Think about:

  • The type of person you would like to meet. What do you want to know about them? What’s important to you?
  • Are you going to take a friend?
  • What time does the event start? Do you want to be an early bird or arrive fashionably late?
  • How are you going to hold a conversation?


The last question is possibly the most important because this is the one that will stop people from actually stepping over the finish line –  Conversations

You can prepare in advance for this. As much as you have no idea what anyone is going to talk about, if you prepare in advance, you can take charge.

Think of some ice-breakers or opening questions you could ask. Consider what you want to know about them and what you want them to know about you and start there.

If you prepare some conversations in advance, you will feel a whole lot more relaxed when you get there. 

It’s worth pointing out that we do have lots of pre-prepared conversation starter cards that you can pick up and use at most of our events 😉

Manage expectations

There isn’t much I can really say to make your stomach stop churning at the idea of attending a singles event. However, I will tell you that it gets easier.

Firstly, I promise you, you’re going to have fun

Everyone there is feeling exactly the same as you. Some will be newbies and some will be seasoned attendees, but every single one of them had to attend a first event at some point. And they all felt as you do now.

I have to say that my top tip is to manage your expectations. The chances are, you probably won’t meet the love of your life at your first event but you will have fun looking.

You will meet some great people, make new friends, arrange a date or two and then you’ll get the hang of it.

The next event will be a little easier and the one after that will be a breeze.

If you go in thinking that you’re just there to have fun and you’re not likely to meet your number one love on the spot then it will help you to relax, hold your head up high and get into that Single & Mingle groove.

Face-to-face dating has made a huge comeback over the last few years and if you haven’t attended an event yet, you are missing out on something big.

Stop holding yourself back. Everyone is in the same boat and you’re all pushing boundaries and boosting your own confidence levels so just embrace the idea, get over the first event nerves and relax into a whole new social circle.

See you at an event near you soon!

Want to meet singles in real life?

Single & Mingle offers something slightly different to your regular dating experience. Whether you’re brand new to dating, or are a seasoned dater, get yourself down to your local singles night and meet lots of people under one roof.